Saturday, March 1, 2014

Recovery day 2-3

Uggghh I feel like crap! My belly hurts all over. The incision, the muscles and I believe I'm becoming so swollen my belly band is just making everything worse. I would love to just lay down flat right now. I itch all over, a shower just sound amazing right now!  It's hard not being able to pick up or hold my babies. Braelynn and I got to have a little bit of cuddle time this morning. I thought I would enjoy this down time but it's pretty boring! Today I woke up early this morning with a horrible migraine. I have never had a headache that bad, I almost had to throw up. That would of been horrible throwing up with my belly like this ugh. I think I had been sitting up for too long so I leaned my bed back a little more.  Well today is the day I get to see my new belly!!! Yay! And finally after three days I get to shower! I'm so itchy and just feel grose a shower is exactly what I need! I'm a little nervous to take off my band and see what it all looks like.

Ok so here's my 3 day post op belly! It's soooo swollen! My new belly button is under the white bandage. I'm still hunched over and can't sit or stand up straight. My back muscles are getting tight from being stuck in this position for so long. I am able to lay back a little further in bed than I have been so I'm hoping to sleep a little better tonight. I'm really missing chasing around the kiddos :( they get to come and cuddle a little bit with me in bed but they get bored quick. I do feel like a new woman after taking a shower (sponge bath) and Andy washing my hair this morning!
Me feeling like poo, at least I got some good cuddles :)

I was so itchy and just felt like poo! Andy picked me up a bath chair last night, I'm glad he did because there's no way that I could of stood that long. I think the next thing we will look for is a detachable shower nozzle. Today I'm just sore, it's not a horrible overwhelming pain but it hurts. I can really feel the tightness around my incision. It's extremely uncomfortable and a little scary because I'm not sure if I'm stretching it too much. The doc said I would feel this so I'm sure it's normal. I have post op check up next week, on Andy's birthday with my auntie Riane flying in that morning! My belly band was very uncomfortable on my skin so I put it over my shirt and that has helped with the irritation. It's still itchy and since I will be wearing this for a while I'm thinking about using some soft material to make a cover for it. This may be tmi but i think a lot of my discomfort is from not having a bowl movement yet :( I knew this could happen from the pain meds, it was horrible after my c section so I started taking stool softeners ahead of time for this surgery. Well apparently nothing I have tried so far has worked! Ugh, not fun. Other than that issue it's really been helping me to lay a heavy folded blanket (I took it from the hospital) and a pillow on my belly. The added pressure helps. That's about all that's going on with tummy tuck issues over the past few days! A few things I'm looking forward to this week... My new camera will get here! Yay! I finally have a real camera and not just a iPhone or iPad! I love taking pictures, epically of my family and now I can take good quality ones! We are finally going to get the hitch installed on our van and the car carrier mount to haul around our quad stroller! This is huge for me! Iv always had to use our two double strollers if I had to take the kids somewhere by myself. It's a pain loading, unloading and pushing two strollers, I'm so excited to finally use our runabout!
My awesome diy shade cover lol! I have also found a REAL shade cover to add onto our stroller! Finally!  Any one out there with triplets or more I highly recommend these strollers. They are easy to push, heavy duty and made by a family owned business.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I'm sorry you were in that much pain, Ashley. I'm just glad that recovery seemed to have gone well for you, even though it was a painful process. I hope you are feeling better now. Make sure to keep us updated of your progress. All the best! :)

    Willie Strickland @ Alexander Surgery
