Thursday, February 27, 2014

4 buns in the oven

 This is the part I was most interested in when searching for info on what to expect during a quad pregnancy! I went threw manny quad mamas blogs trying to find info and tips, if any, on how to stay pregnant and give our quadlings the best chance! I hope i can offer the same help and support to othernew and expecting quad mamas! So ill do my best to remember details!

First trimester
I started to notice a difference in my belly at 7 weeks, before I even knew there were quads. My pants got snug real quick and I had to wear a belly band, which I still wear with my pants today because I'm too cheap to buy new pants lol. We were advised to start moderate bed rest as early as possible, so from about 8 weeks when we found out. The less pressure on the cervix the better so the horizontal position was best. I stopped driving,if I had gotten in a accident that steering wheel would squish those babies. Started drinking 3 ensures a day, got some super prego vitamins, took fish oil, calcium, vitamin d, frolic acid and baby aspirin. It's very important to give your body all those vitamins and keep your protein intake high. For a quad pregnancy it's recommended a 70-100lb gain, that means around 3500 calories a day, and lots and lots and lots of water! I highly recommend reading " When your expecting twins triplets or quads " by Barbra Luke. There are a few others that also helped ill post them later on if I find them.  Around 6 weeks i started to wake up in the morning feeling like i had been hit by a truck! My uterus was growing so fast my muscles surrounding were stretching like crazy! That went on for a few months. To my surprise I didn't really get horrible morning sickness. I only threw up three times during my whole pregnancy! I did on the other hand have severe nausea for the first three months. :(At 12 weeks I was officially on modified bed rest so my momma moved in with us to help get us packed to move to colorado and help around the house while andy was at work during the day. I felt them start moving for the first time at 13 weeks, it felt like a little fish flopping around! I could feel and see when they would roll, the whole sac would shift and it almost felt like a ball rolling around in my belly, funky feeling! 



Second trimester
At 15 weeks we pcsd from Texas to Colorado, for you non military folk pcs is when your duty station changes and you get to pick up your whole life and move! What a drive! What would normally be a 16 hour drive took us three days! We did a partial move, the army moved most of our things but we
moved our vehicles, critters and Uhal truck full of our junk! Although I was only 15 weeks, my
uterus was much larger so the drive was extremely uncomfortable. We finally made it to Colorado, I
got back in bed and mom, Andy, and some friends from the unit helped set up our new house. We
weren't able to unpack every thing because we had jumped on our orders so quick and reported a bit early that they didn't have a big enough house open for us on we were going to have to move again after the babies came! I wasn't able to travel after 15 weeks so we had to get the move done ASAP!  I quickly got in to meet my new doctor, who is completely amazing and my hero! This

woman was the kind of person you liked right away and I felt I could depend on her to take care of my babies! She gave me her cell number and made sure the staff knew who I was in case of any
issues. From here on I had the best care I could possibly ask for.  Want to know the secret to healthy multiples?? Amazing doctors and nurses! My belly was growing quickly and so were our worries. Around the late teen weeks in a higher order multiple pregnancy is when you start worrying about preterm labor. Your uterus can only stretch is far, and your cervix can only take so much pressure. As your uterus gets closer to term size your body thinks you are nearing the end of a pregnancy so your cervix begins to dilate to prepare for birth.

I stopped labeling pics after about this time, some day I'll dig out the rest to post on here, this pic is maybe @ 28 or 29 weeks 

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